- Developing Nursing Simulation in a European Network
This book gives a good insight to a new area of nursing education. It concentrates on simulation-based education and its development, introducing new methods and even new theoretical and practical concepts in this field.
This book is an entity of several international articles about the new practical competence requirements of innovative nurses nowadays. The emphasis of this book is on developing new pedagogic methods in nursing education through simulation methods. The writers of the book are experts in simulation and pedagogic methods and they give a good starting point for the new development work in this area by these analytical and depicted articles.
Esa Poikela & Paula Poikela eds. (2012), Towards Simulation Pedagogy. Developing Nursing Simulation in a European Network.
Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences, Publication Series A no 2
Content 115 p.
ISSN 1239-7725
ISBN 978-952-5923-35-3 (bind)
ISBN 978-952-5923-36-0 (PDF)
Price 25 €
VAT 9 %
Delivery cost 5 €
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