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The SoleMOVE system has been designed to support the processes of the international exchange.
Every student going abroad must fill in the SoleMOVE application. To log in to the SoleMOVE student uses the same username and password when logging in to school computers.

  • ATT! Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences and Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences are using common Solemove -system. When logging in to the system, please remember to choose Lapland University of Applied Sciences! Please read more spesific instructions at the end of this page.

The SoleMOVE application must fill in as soon as student has discussed about the exchange with the international coordinator at campus and they have search together the most suitable exchange destination for the student. Student must fill in the application also to get grants.

The SoleMOVE system is designed also for returning necessary forms after the exchange period. For more information about the system and how to fill in the application, please see the links below or ask help from the international coordinator or the international office.

SoleMOVE - Programme
SoleMOVE - Instructions for Outgoing Student Exchange
SoleMOVE - Instructions for Outgoing Placement
SoleMOVE - Register description